Monday, February 27, 2012

Final Project: Implementation Evaluation Control

Many managers think that implementation is as important as, or even more important than, “doing the right things” (strategy). The fact is that both are critical to success, and companies can gain competitive advantages through effective implementation. One firm can have essentially the same strategy as another, yet win in the marketplace through faster or better execution. Still, implementation is difficult—it is often easier to think up good marketing strategies than it is to carry them out.” The implementation of Fresh Fits Chocolates will be very aggressive into the marketplace. No we will not take the route of trying to start out with a celebrity backing us. Like every successful company the starting implementation will start with an aggressive street team attack. We will have to get flyers and business cards out. We will get our radio spots played at a pace where it would be impossible for Fresh Fits to not cross your mind when you’re thinking about purchasing your next gift. A “customer’s evaluation of the difference between all the benefits and all the costs of a market offering relative to those of competing offers.” With us knowing this concept we at Fresh Fits Chocolates understand that in the beginning that it will be an uphill battle to gain the type of customer support that we desire to attain. But that will not stop us from constantly doing everything in our power to make Fresh Fits a household name for an outstanding product, excellent customer service, and an overall great experience with Fresh Fits Chocolates. The control of the success of the company ultimately lies with how we push the product and how the customers accept it. So yes our implementation will be very aggressive but not in a way to scare off any customers.

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